Insurance against Cyber attacks rising

In today’s world, business email compromise is a growing trend. This type of attack usually involves hackers stealing sensitive information from a targeted company by sending phishing emails.

When business emails are compromised, the hackers often use the company’s branding and writing style to trick their victims.
The rise of remote working has caused a spike in online fraud and cybercrime. The coronavirus pandemic has also created a perfect storm for new infections.

According to Australia’s Cyber Security Centre, one in eight Australians experience cybercrime. The total annual losses due to cybercrime have reached $33 billion.
Due to the increasing number of cyber attacks, businesses are increasingly looking to protect themselves by purchasing professional liability insurance.
The number of businesses with cyber insurance has increased significantly over the past three years. The average premium for cyber insurance has increased by around 50% to 150 percent over the past 12 months.
As the demand for cyber insurance grows, the industry has had to adapt to the changes brought about by the nature of the crime.
For insurance companies, pricing risk is a primary concern. They use historical data to estimate the size of a claim and then charge a premium based on the risk.
Many insurance companies now require that policyholders have adequate defences in place.
The complexity of cyber insurance has caused many insurance companies to reprice their policies and rethink their models.
A cyber policy can be customized to suit a company’s specific business operations, but it also includes access to an incident response team that’s available 24×7.
Typical cyber policies cover the cost of a breach, such as lost income and assets.
However, some policies also cover the cost of paying a ransom. Samson says that this type of policy is usually the only solution to resolve a breach.
The federal government has planned to introduce laws that will compel companies to disclose the details of their ransom payments.
For top quality general insurance check out Woolworths Insurance and use a Everyday Insurance promotion code when you buy your Everyday Insurance policy.

Nick Scali achieving growth through acquisition

Nick Scali has experienced huge growth during Covid as cashed up customers who are stuck at home are spending endless amounts of money making home more comfortable. This has put Nick Scali in a great position financially. Nick Scali has reported a net profit rise of 90 percent to $40.6 million for the six months ending in December 2020. Sales were up 24.4 per cent to $171.1 million.

Nick Scali is looking for growth through acquisitions and with this, purchasing all brands of furniture businesses is on the cards. Especially attractive are businesses where Nick Scali can achieve some business synergies with. Ultimately, the long term value that can be gained for shareholders by purchasing the business will be the deciding factor.

With this, Nick Scali is looking to expand its investments and acquisitions with a war chest of over $54 million. Their latest acquisition attempt is the Plush Sofa’s chain which is currently owned by Greenlit Brands. Plush has a huge presence nationally with 46 stores Australia wide as well as an online store. They selling everything sofa related including Sofas, cushions, rugs and accessories.

Nick Scali has reported that Managing director Anthony Scali is in talks with Greenlit Brands regarding a potential purchase of Plush Sofas. The talks with Greenlit Brands was non exclusive and whether a deal will come to fruition is yet to be determined.

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